I am officially moving out of my house. I told my father that i will be moved out by July. and i have full intention of getting the fuck out of this house.
Oh right random fact about me, almost forgot um lets see... Oh i got it! I am totally addicted to Pepsi. like it is beyond an addiction. i need this stuff or else i become an evil demoness.you don't want to fuck with me when i have no Pepsi in my system O.O.....like you have been warned.
so yeah back to the first statement of my blog. i am moving the fuck out of my house in july. i want out and that is that. My sister has exactly that time to get a job otherwise her and dad will have to move too. or so my father claims i don't think they will. he can get food stamps with her and what not. he just is useing that to try and keep me in the same house. it's not gonna work.
no i am not planning on getting a roommate. to be honest i am just not roommate material. i like my space and i don't like to share my space. but if i were in a relationship with someone that might change. that kind of roommate i could handle. and honestly i would have no problem like getting a place with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. but any other kind of roommate would be bad for me. i am thinking of this one place that isn't to far from my dad's place. just cause i know dad will want me to come over and visit as much as possible. just cause i know that is how my dad is.
but i can not wait. i want so badly to have my own place and be on my own. i need it so badly. but of course i am waiting until after spring term. like heck i am gonna look for a place to stay while i am attempting to attend school. not happening dog, not happening.
so yeah those are my updates, i can't wait to be out on my own. and it is gonna happen for sure! I am possitive!!
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